No. A sect or cult is characterized by an individual or group who use religious concepts to gain power, money, or other advantages. That fundamentally contradicts our motto of “live2give” and [...]
The Sabbath Rest Advent Church is a Christian church. The foundation of all church activity is the written word of God. As our name implies, we celebrate the Sabbath (Saturday) as the day of [...]
We do not celebrate holidays such as Easter or Christmas. Jesus’ coming to earth for us, as Man, is important to celebrate every day. Our holiday is the Sabbath—the rest day which God has given [...]
The Sabbath Rest Advent Church is partnered with live2give gGmbH in Germany. This platform provides the opportunity to serve the general public and to work for health, education, and research. [...]
Yes. But it is based on a personal and rational choice to belong to the church. For that reason, there are only adult baptisms. When someone has had a personal experience with God and has [...]